Provide resources proven to be effective within your school and with your students. Make constant changes within your maps and comment on areas of improvement. New resources can be added, and old ones taken away.

Encourage growth in your instructional staff through refined and relevant approaches as they learn from one another. Create organized unit plans in a centralized and collaborative way. Curriculum maps encourage teachers to discuss best practices and share resources, improving the overall level of teaching across the school district.

Stay informed of pacing and sequencing of instruction in an individual classroom or school-wide with standards tracking. Each student learns in a unique manner so a one-size-fits-all approach is not effective. Collaborate as a team to align standards, add content, resources, and create achievable goals. Our curriculum maps identify what we expect our students to know and be able to do at the completion of each course or grade level, reflected through individual units of study. Create a school’s identity or persona. Being able to capture assessments, lesson plans, and best practices within one place can improve teachers instruction. hbspt.forms.create({ Generate standards based performance reports and make informed decisions using data and analytics. "The technology incorporated within Atlas facilitates tracking Multiple Intelligences and aligning proper assessments to measure the desired product, as described in Gardner's books outlining the theory. Align to crucial state and national standards and pinpoint gaps in coverages.

Export, submit, and archive anything you need. Curriculum mapping is a highly collaborative process, involving all teachers in a school, or even a greater community of schools.

Build and manage a unified digital curriculum that guides daily lesson planning. Students label a map of China and surrounding area using a word bank in pinyin and character. Atlas is a curriculum mapping software that allows for an educational institution’s curriculum to be shared, analyzed and refined by a team of educators through an online platform. New initiatives, such as STEM or design thinking, that districts take on can be referenced directly in the curricular units to provide evidence of the work. In their report on the curriculum mapping process completed with a community of 19 schools, Truesdale et al. Allow school or district-wide resources to be leveraged, modified, and collaborated on in real time.

Parents benefit from structured curriculum maps in that they know the exact learning targets for their children. (p. 131). Ensure everyone is on track with curriculum writing and pacing guide.

(2000). Create a consistent educational environment centered around communication and transparency. Educate seamlessly. “We knew that we needed a framework for teachers to use that was consistent across grade levels and subject areas that would align to the standards.”. Knowledge can be easily shared from a master teacher to a new teacher.

Enduring Understandings - Enduring Understandings (EU) are statements that encompass the “big ideas”. Atlas bases its idea of curriculum mapping on research from several key educators. Rubicon Atlas is a curriculum mapping software program that Warren Hills Regional School District uses to house its curriculum and assessments online. Knowledge can be easily shared from a master teacher to a new teacher. Our support team is comprised of educators that deliver a world-class service and understand how important your time is. Ensure teacher efficacy through the sharing of best practices and creation of a collaborative culture. Chalk has the ability to share your most up to date curriculum map, which fosters communication and transparency for your institution. Students are given coherent curriculum throughout the class, with a constant flow of knowledge from term to term and year to year. Get the FREE E-Book →. What is Rubicon Atlas? They will be able to ensure their students completely understand important concepts by structuring classes around the big picture. Leave the heavy lifting to Chalk as you transition from Atlas’ curriculum management platform. Chalk makes it easy to edit and improve your maps year to year to adjust your instructional reach and improve overall student outcomes. (p.18) The team at Atlas go on to make reference to Steven Covey and 'The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People' [11] when thinking about backward design: "To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. (2004) notes that: Atlas bases its idea of curriculum mapping on research from several key educators. and the resources that a teacher uses to address those standards in the classroom. Atlas is designed to track multiple intelligences as they occur across a schools' units of work. When you browse Rubicon Atlas curriculum maps, you can search by grade level or subject for essential questions, content covered in each class and skills that children are expected to … Improve new teacher onboarding with a centralized curriculum and standards-aligned resources. 261-262). In order for this to happen, researchers argue that the curriculum review process must be done in a collegial way, with all staff being involved in the decision-making process.

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