Source: National Health & Medical Research Infant Feeding Guidelines. (2008). To download, go to the calculator page. If you enter in ounces it will convert to mls. This calculator allows you to figure out the head loss for pump selection. This is a useful calculator for all mothers that are concerned whether their baby has enough formula and about which is the recommended amount they should be giving to their baby. Our customer service teams are available and ready to support you through this dynamic situation. [CDATA[*/ This will allow you to set the pump's one-to-ten pump rate at 4 or 5.

The amount that is given each feeding varies with age and according to the digestive capacity of the baby. The ESPEN guidelines for critical care suggest a maximum caloric intake of 20-25 kcal/kg/day during the acute and initial phase of critical illness, but 25-30 kcal/kg/day during the anabolic recovery phase. When your child’s feeding needs change, your doctor writes new directions for your child’s food intake.

You can read more on this subject below the tool. We will only use your personal information to send you newsletters about PAES’s business and changes or developments in the industry. Many factors come into play when it comes to selecting an aquarium filter with a suitable flow rate for your aquarium. [CDATA[ Flow Rate Conversion Calculator. ]","g");var eethreg=new RegExp(",","g");

You need to check either mls or ounces. Flow rate is the rate a liquid volume is delivered over a period of time. 2013, page 79. ]+ *$");function eeparseFloatV(str){if(str=="")return str;str=String(str).replace(eedecreg,". ");return parseFloat(str);}function n2s(x){return(x).toString();}function v2n(v){switch(typeof v){case "number":return v;case "string":return s2n(v);case "boolean":return v?1:0;case "object":if(v.constructor==Number){return v;};if(v.constructor==String){return s2n(v);};if(v.constructor==Boolean){return v?1:0;};return Number.NaN;default:return Number.NaN;}};function eeparseFloat(str){str=String(str).replace(eedecreg,". If you enter in ounces/hour, it will get converted to ml/hour. Here are some recommendations: Let’s take the case of a baby aged 3 months with a weight of 5 kg and 800 grams. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Check your email for a 10% off discount code. This formula feeding calculator helps you find out how much formula should you feed your newborn or infant based on age and weight. var arr1xB38B41=new Array(4);for(var ii=0;ii<4;ii++){arr1xB38B41[ii]=new Array(1);for(var jj=0;jj<1;jj++){arr1xB38B41[ii][jj]=0}};var row2xE3E15=new Array(13);for(var jj=0;jj<13;jj++){row2xE3E15[jj]=0};var row2xF3F15=new Array(13);for(var jj=0;jj<13;jj++){row2xF3F15[jj]=0};var row2xH3H6=new Array(4);for(var jj=0;jj<4;jj++){row2xH3H6[jj]=""};var row2xI3I6=new Array(4);for(var jj=0;jj<4;jj++){row2xI3I6[jj]=0};var arr2xB11B14=new Array(4);for(var ii=0;ii<4;ii++){arr2xB11B14[ii]=new Array(1);for(var jj=0;jj<1;jj++){arr2xB11B14[ii][jj]=0}};var eecm2=new Array(new Array(arr1xB38B41,0,0,3,0));var eecm1=new Array(new Array(arr2xB11B14,0,0,3,0));function calc(data){var c1B20=data.p1B20;var c1B21=data.p1B21;var c1B23=data.p1B23;var c1B24=data.p1B24;var c1B25=data.p1B25;var c1B28=data.p1B28;var c1B29=data.p1B29;var c1B31=data.p1B31;var c1B22=(s2n(n2s(140)));var c1C23=("inches");var c1A28=("45º Elbow");var c1A29=("90º Elbow");var c1A30=("TEE Branch Flow");var c1B30=(0);var c1A31=("Tee ");row2xE3E15[0]=(0.5);row2xF3F15[0]=(0.622);row2xH3H6[0]=("45º Elbow");row2xI3I6[0]=(16);row2xE3E15[1]=(0.75);row2xF3F15[1]=(0.82399999999999995);row2xH3H6[1]=("90º Elbow");row2xI3I6[1]=(30);row2xE3E15[2]=(1);row2xF3F15[2]=(1.0489999999999999);row2xH3H6[2]=("TEE branch flow");row2xI3I6[2]=(60);row2xE3E15[3]=(1.25);row2xF3F15[3]=(1.38);row2xH3H6[3]=("Tee ");row2xI3I6[3]=(20);row2xE3E15[4]=(1.5);row2xF3F15[4]=(1.61);row2xE3E15[5]=(2);row2xF3F15[5]=(2.0670000000000002);row2xE3E15[6]=(2.5);row2xF3F15[6]=(2.4689999999999999);row2xE3E15[7]=(3);row2xF3F15[7]=(3.0680000000000001);row2xE3E15[8]=(4);row2xF3F15[8]=(4.0259999999999998);row2xE3E15[9]=(6);row2xF3F15[9]=(6.0650000000000004);row2xE3E15[10]=(8);row2xF3F15[10]=(7.9809999999999999);row2xE3E15[11]=(10);row2xF3F15[11]=(10.02);row2xE3E15[12]=(12);row2xF3F15[12]=(11.938000000000001);var c1D23=(c1C23);var c1B43=(c1B24);var c1B45=(c1B25);var c2B3=(c1B20);var c2B4=(v2n(c1B23));var c2B5=(lookup3vv((c2B4),row2xE3E15,0,12,row2xF3F15,0,12));var c2B6=(c1B21);var c2B9=(((((((4.727)*(c2B6)))*(Math.pow((((c2B3)/(((60)*(7.48))))),(1.852)))))/(((Math.pow((c1B22),(1.852)))*(Math.pow((((c2B5)/(12))),(4.8704)))))));var c2B18=(c1B24);var c2B19=(c1B25);var c1B37=(c2B9);var c2B8=(((((0.3209)*(c2B3)))/(((Math.pow((((c2B5)/(2))),(2)))*(3.1416)))));var c2B10=(((0.023603517)*(Math.pow((c2B5),(((0.24764312)*(-1)))))));arr2xB11B14[0][0]=(((((((((lookup3vv_str((c1A28),row2xH3H6,0,3,row2xI3I6,0,3))*(c2B10)))*(Math.pow((c2B8),(2)))))/(64.4)))*(c1B28)));arr2xB11B14[1][0]=(((((((((lookup3vv_str((c1A29),row2xH3H6,0,3,row2xI3I6,0,3))*(c2B10)))*(Math.pow((c2B8),(2)))))/(64.4)))*(c1B29)));arr2xB11B14[2][0]=(((((((((lookup3vv_str((c1A30),row2xH3H6,0,3,row2xI3I6,0,3))*(c2B10)))*(Math.pow((c2B8),(2)))))/(64.4)))*(c1B30)));arr2xB11B14[3][0]=(((((((((lookup3vv_str((c1A31),row2xH3H6,0,3,row2xI3I6,0,3))*(c2B10)))*(Math.pow((c2B8),(2)))))/(64.4)))*(c1B31)));var c2B16=(((c2B9)+(sumgeneral(4,0,0,eecm1))));var c2B21=(((((c2B16)+(c2B18)))+(c2B19)));var c1B36=(c2B8);arr1xB38B41[0][0]=(arr2xB11B14[0][0]);arr1xB38B41[1][0]=(arr2xB11B14[1][0]);arr1xB38B41[2][0]=(arr2xB11B14[2][0]);arr1xB38B41[3][0]=(arr2xB11B14[3][0]);var c1B47=(c2B21);var c1B42=(sumgeneral(4,0,0,eecm2));var c1B48=(((c1B47)*(0.4335)));data.p1D23=c1D23;data.p1B36=c1B36;data.p1B37=c1B37;data.p1B42=c1B42;data.p1B43=c1B43;data.p1B45=c1B45;data.p1B47=c1B47;data.p1B48=c1B48;}; 2 Certain patients (eg, malnourished or morbidly obese) may have different caloric requirements than the standard patient. There are different stages in the baby’s formula intake and this varies from newborns to infants and according to how much they weigh. //]]>. Reference: Erik Oberg, So, what we would suggest is buy the 10 gallon per day pump and dilute the feed solution with a gallon of water. If your child uses a food pump for all or some feedings, their feeding needs can change over time. Enter total pumping lift or height (feet) water is pumped vertically. If you need to calculate rate, press calculate rate, and if you need to calculate time, press calculate time. We appreciate you! (2007) Health Profesional’s guide. ');if(parts.length<2){var decimals=('00000000000000').substring(0,nd);return(parts[0]).toString()+eedec+decimals;}else{var decimals=((parts[1]).toString()+'00000000000000').substring(0,nd);return(parts[0]).toString()+eedec+decimals;}}else{return res;}}};function eeparseFloatTh(str){str=String(str).replace(eethreg,"");str=String(str).replace(eedecreg,".
");if(!eeparseFloatVreg.test(str)){return str;};var res=parseFloat(str);if(isNaN(res)){return str;}else{return res;}};function eeinsertThousand(whole){if(whole==""||whole.indexOf("e")>=0){return whole;}else{var minus_sign="";if(whole.charAt(0)=="-"){minus_sign="-";whole=whole.substring(1);};var res="";var str_length=whole.length-1;for(var ii=0;ii<=str_length;ii++){if(ii>0&&ii%3==0){res=eeth+res;};res=whole.charAt(str_length-ii)+res;};return minus_sign+res;}};function lookup3vv(key,kvect,kfrom_start,kto_start,vvect,vfrom_,vto_){var current=0;var from_=kfrom_start;var to_=kto_start+1;while(true){current=(from_+to_)>>1;if(kvect[current]==key)break;if(from_==to_-1)break;if(kvect[current]>1;if(str_eq(kvect[current],key))break;if(from_==to_-1)break;if(str_ls(kvect[current],key)){from_=current;}else{to_=current;}};while(current0){var str=String(res);if(str.indexOf('e')!=-1)return str;if(str.indexOf('E')!=-1)return str;var parts=str.split('. Note: The results will be converted into mls or ml/hour.

@import url(""); FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $50* Learn More. First you need to enter the amount to be fed. Calculate Dose, Time, and Rate for a Food Pump. var co = new Object; You may stop receiving these communications at any time by following the “unsubscribe” instructions in the newsletters. Thank you for subscribing to our E-Newsletter.

head loss (filters, heater, chiller, skimmer, UV, etc.). The Speeds and Feeds Calculator uses the following formulas: RPM = (12 * Surface Speed) / (PI * Tool Diameter) [revs/min] Feed Rate = RPM * Chip Load * Number of Teeth (Flutes) [in/min] Where PI is the constant (3.141592654). If you enter rate, you need to check either ml/hr or ounces/hr. These recommendations are also affected by whether the baby has been diversified and also eats solids. Repeat this process whenever you need to calculate rate or time. Click the update button to calculate total losses for the system.

if (true) { ";var eeth=",";var eedecreg=new RegExp("[. ');var res2=eeinsertThousand(parts[0].toString());if(parts.length<2){var decimals=('00000000000000').substring(0,nd);return(res2+eedec+decimals);}else{var decimals=((parts[1]).toString()+'00000000000000').substring(0,nd);return(res2+eedec+decimals);}}else{return(eeinsertThousand(res.toString()));}}};var eeparseFloatVreg=new RegExp("^ *-?[0-9. All you do is enter your specifications and click the update button to calulate total losses for the system.

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