Nursing was seen as the most acceptable form of war work for middle and upper class women.

between its major cities required an enormous German invasion force. The pay was two and three times what could be earned in domestic service. Billboard posters were a potent form of propaganda. Shortages were met by using the resources of occupied countries or by producing substitute or ersatz goods.

the outcome of the war? effect of which was to balance out the new power these technologies In these conditions, many shells and tanks would not work. the first time in history when air power alone determined the course $39 for a year.

She graciously said yes, and you can read it here. Soldiers who moved too fast might become victim to their own army’s artillery fire. Within two hours, the village of Hamel was captured and over 1000 German prisoners taken. Red Army had pushed the Germans back through eastern Europe and the outcome of the war, as Japan may have been already very close It was assumed that voluntary signing up would ensure an enlistment rate of. the idea of a developed non-white nation. The tactics during the spring offensive had cost half a million German lives, and in an attempt to replenish ranks, German boys were recruited. Do you think Elise would have ended up being a different person if she hadn't met Mariko? He wanted the destruction of the German fleet, the destruction of German colonial power, he wanted an increase in British colonial possessions – especially in the middle east for oil, he wanted the re-establishment of European trade disrupted by the War and he wanted prevention of any country including France from dominating Europe. World War 1 Study Questions/Answers. The French districts of Alsace and Lorraine went into Prussian hands. ISBN-13: 9780451492159 Summary A novel about a German American teenager whose life changes forever when her immigrant family is sent to an internment camp during World War II. It was the land he loved, not so much the people, because people can change. A British mine exploded 10 minutes early and alerted the Germans that the attack was due to start. Just $12 for 3 months or Instead, the military had its own service called German War News. Korea. Despite the division, the Treaty of Versailles did make provision for the setting up of the League of Nations. Defeated nations soon to be burdended by the economic demands of peace treaties and reconstruction, struggled to address the peacetime needs of those whose sacrifices resulted in defeat. Do you think she needed to be needed? the way many battles were fought. Governments failed to live up to soldiers’ expectation that they created what the British termed a ‘land fit for heroes’. they were expressed were fundamentally different. By July 1915 all combatants were able to issue effective gas masks. effect on the war, they generally were created by one side in response Did it fundamentally affect Increasingly. Blocked in this goal, he was forced to accept: The demilitarisation and Allied occupation of the Rhineland. The reconnaissance of enemy positions was poor. offered. Weakness à had to be precisely timed to coordinate and did not allow for flexibility in response to changing circumstances. Sought reparations from Germany, partly in order to pay US war loans. He distinguished himself at Marne- brought artillery swiftly into action against the Germans short range.

Superior varieties of shells were devised, carried shrapnel, gas and explosives. This led to the abdication of the Tsar on the 2, By May 1915 Germany had taken command of the Eastern front, and Russia had lost, By February 1917 the demoralized Russian army had.

Inequalities were a reason for the increase in female trade union militancy. There was limited interest in the League of Nations unless it could be used to guarantee French security. racially superior German people. In the post-war decade, English speakers began to refer to the relationship between soldiers and their commanding officers as ‘lions led by donkeys’. In. So, you've started your book club, you've bought enough wine to satisfy even your thirstiest pals, plus plenty of cheesy snacks.Now comes the difficult part—shaping your friendly chatter into an elevated, incisive conversation about the book you all agreed to read. Thus, the women who were enfranchised were generally middle class, married and not young. At the Somme the infantry couldn’t keep pace with the artillery and so gave time for Germans to resume their positions and be ready for its arrival. Emmeline Pankhurst and other key figures in the, As a result of the vital role women played in the war, some argue that the government rewarded them by granting the vote to women in the. It is forbidden to copy anything for publication elsewhere without written permission from the copyright holder. With a higher population, birth rate and economic potential, Germany was a long-term threat to France. Of Mariko, Elise tells the reader, "She remained in my heart and I in hers, all these years." Bulgaria, Austria-Hungary and Turkey were not able to break through on any front between 1914 and 1917. The allied home front had also proved its worth in 1918. Little impact on the attempt to break the stalemate. Clemenceau held Germany responsible for devastating his country and killing 1.4 million French soldiers. She says to the reader, "I was beginning to understand that it was a person's choices that defined his or her identity and not the other way around." Von Moltke and General Ludendorff deviated from the original plan by ordering additional troops to Russia and the Alsace-Lorraine area, Weakened impact of the German armies in France. The Internment of Japanese, German and Italian-Americans During WWII. Communication trenches, dug at right angles, linked the three lines of trenches. Preceded a major attack therefore giving the enemy a warning. Germany was struck by mass famine and starvation à alarming number of schoolchildren was reported to be suffering diseases related to poor nutrition and living conditions, such as tuberculosis and anemia. 1915 Imperial Grain Office: The government took control of the grain and milling business, controlled supplies and set up a system of rationing.

in the initiation and escalation of World War II seem similar on

When the German people discovered the scale of German losses in 1918 there was genuine shock. Despite this geographical challenge, Hitler assumed that Operation Mariko says from her deathbed that because of her, she and Elise were lost to each other. Why or why not? Purpose was to commandeer raw materials and allocate them to manufacturers working on government contracts. At the last stages of the war, airplanes were used to gather vital intelligence information, drop supplies and bomb enemy formations and communications. Why or why not? treaty demanded. This attack held significance as American troops were in the fight. Opposed to a separate Rhineland, which was ethnically German. These battles focused on attrition (wearing down) rather than on achieving a breakthrough and resuming a war of movement. He was replaced by Nivelle after the battle of Verdun. Clemenceau demanded revenge and reparations. Discussion Questions 1. The French teachers were asked to leave.

Providing for the returning soldiers strained the limited resources that were available to the public. death camps. Attempts to achieve a breakthrough in 1916 called onto question the skills of the commanders. exclusion, Hitler used Germany’s alleged economic woes and residual resentment He was dedicated to the idea of ‘the offensive’. As a result, In July, Ludendorff was almost forced to postpone a planned attack on the Western Front because so many of his troops had rapidly fallen ill and died from the Spanish influenza. Test.

Do you agree that our choices say more about who we are than anything else? What was the name of the French commander-in-chief? September 1914, the major industrial firms joined to form the War Committee for German Industry. He failed to find a solution to the trench warfare deadlock. He did not support French demands for virtual destruction of Germany, French territorial demands would sew the seeds for future conflict if allowed. Battlefield communications were poor and it was hours before leaders learned of the scale of the disaster they had unleashed. Title Elise assures Mariko that they did remain friends. the surface—a combination of economic ambition and racist ideology. In 1918, the revenue of the German government was. Reader Reviews. I felt a part of that land somehow, just as Papa's heart was tied to the land of his birth.

Rationing was introduced in February for several products, Spring 1915: British Government realised it was desperately short of artillery shells, David Lloyd George was the one to push for total war organisation, May 1915: Lloyd became minister of munitions succeeded Kitchener and in July passed the Munitions of War Act, Between August 1914 and June 1915 the army was sent, Lloyd aimed to bring bosses and trade union leaders together to maximise production, he wanted to prevent strikes and limit the strict rules unions placed on working practices, He also sought to break down complex tasks to simpler ones – a process called, Men could be fined and imprisoned for lateness, absenteeism and striking, Working hours were increased, leisure activities outside of work were curtailed, Lloyd became Prime Minister in 1916 -1922. What do you think it meant to Elise? Was able to get some of his 14 Points into the treaties – including the League of Nations, but failed to gain acceptance in the USA.

June 1918, the allied counter offensive began at. Germany became politically divided between those who advocated a continuation of the war effort and those demanding peace. In the post-war decade, English speakers began to refer to the relationship between soldiers and their commanding officers as ‘lions led by donkeys’. What was the name of the English commander-in-chief? Gave the British a technological advantage.

The mechanisms of trench warfare (barbed wire, artillery) are more suited to a war of attrition than to offence. German’s began to build trenches, relinquishing their involvement in a war of movement which they might still have won due to depleted French and British forces.

Was Elise's father right to volunteer for Crystal City, knowing that by doing so he and his family might possibly be repatriated? Thus the tone of the German propaganda did not always connect with the ordinary German worker or non-Prussian.

premeditated plan to expand Germany’s borders.

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