Configuration. HOWEVER, the server name should remain webcam1. You’re done with this file and can save and close it. You’ll use the name in upcoming steps. Mar 17 13:46:01 octopi systemd[1]: Started the OctoPi webcam daemon with the user specified config. In the log, look for string "New USB device found". This plugin relies on a Docker container running FFmpeg to convert the mjpeg-streamer video stream and pipe it to a live streaming service. Under the frontend public heading add the following line:use_backend webcam2 if { path_beg /webcam2/ }.

Further down in octopi2.txt you’ll need to comment out the line that starts with camera_raspi_options by adding a # in front of it., Platform independent Photoshop Alternative, HowTo Add A New Infill Pattern To PrusaSlicer. Login via SSH type “sudo raspi-config” select “Interfacing Options” and enable the camera interface.

set" (emphasis mine) Plug it back in, then look at the PI's logs by using the cat command. Example: I have Bonjour setup and called my Raspberry PI box “octopi”, so the URL for the second camera within my home network is: http://octopi.local:8081/?action=stream, Duran Duran: "I sold the Renoir AND the T.V.

Uncomment camera_raspi_options=”-fps 10″.

The -f flag is for framerate. For SYMLINK, use whatever name you want to give your camera. He has a series of videos on how to set up an Octoprint multi-instance on one PI on Octopi 0.17. Set the port of the PI camera to 8080 by uncommenting the last line of the file, which should be camera_http_options by deleting the # in front of the line. Learn how your comment data is processed.

BOTH work until i close putty or restart. You’ll do that by adding a -d flag with the name you gave your USB camera. The final step for running a second webcam on Octopi, is to set up a proxy. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); sudo nano /boot/octopi.txt” uncomment the.

If I restart the service, it works fine until I reboot. Octopi 0.17 is significantly different from previous versions, so I couldn’t rely on the tutorials I had used before. To avoid the original octopi.txt from starting up the wrong camera, let’s edit it as well and make sure camera is set to raspi and not auto. In this post I don’t explain how to install Octopi 0.17, nor how to attach and get working a PI Cam. You’ll need to get that done first before moving on.

Here’s what my camera usb options looks like: camera_usb_options=”-d /dev/PrusaWebCam -r 1280x720 -f 10”. First we’ll duplicate the existing webcamd file.

Now edit “sudo nano /boot/octopi.txt” uncomment the camera=”auto” line and change it to camera=”raspi”.

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