If you say you hope they’re doing well, it sounds contrived and insincere. Checking on the well-being of a friend or family member is entirely different than communicating with a colleague or business associate. Plus, your email will likely arrive before they've jumped into any large tasks, meaning your chances of receiving a timely response skyrocket. It might feel strange at first to launch into your message with no preamble, but trust me: You won't seem rude. Writing an important email? Appeal to your prospect’s love for the weekend. The line is so ubiquitous it’s become meaningless. Connecting with the attendees of an event? If you’re an abuser of “I hope you’re doing well,” try these different -- and better -- ways to say it. I wanted to introduce myself.

If you're reaching out to a prospect for the first time and aren't certain of the right tone to strike, you can't go wrong with this opening line. Get Grammarly. Although this sentiment is basically the same as “I hope you’re well,” it’s unexpected -- which makes it feel more authentic. Connecting with the attendees of an event?

There may be a hook there.) Sending exciting emails is a great way to set yourself apart from competitors.

Don’t promise to keep it brief and then go on for paragraph after paragraph. and "Happy Monday! As an entrepreneur, editor, and PR professional, I estimate that I’ve sent at least 73,000 business emails over the past twenty years. And like small talk, this phrase can get a little repetitive if you find yourself relying on it too often.

The first line of your email can compel the recipient to keep reading -- or prompt them to move on.

Sending this email on a Monday? There’s just one rule with this opener—if you’re going to use it, you’d better actually be brief.

", If you learned via their website that their company is hosting a conference, you could ask, "Are you looking forward to INBOUND 2019?".

It, and the number of paragraphs in the email I see before me, tells me that the sender values my time and made an effort to keep things short and sweet. If “Office Location” is one of the fields in your CRM, use a personalization token to automatically update the email with your prospect’s city. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

If you’re writing a high-stakes email that needs to get results, it never hurts to do your homework. How many times have you clicked open an email to read, “I hope you’re doing well,” “FYI…,” or “Read below”?
"Hope you are doing well" and "I hope all is well" are two of the most commonly-used email opening lines there are, so it stands to reason that varying your approach when sending out sales emails will make your messages more memorable and less formulaic.

Immediately establish your purpose so they know this isn't a cold email.

Next, read our list of "thank you in advance" alternatives.

", "I hope you're having a two-coffee (versus a four-coffee) day. Your prospect will definitely know what you’re talking about. For instance, if they just tweeted about Game of Thrones, you might write, “Are you excited for the next GoT episode?

I love this opener. With these alternatives, the former is more likely. ", "Is there anything worse than coming back from a long weekend? And if they pitch something that reflects the knowledge they’ve gained about my style and the topics I care about, it’s more likely to be something I can use.

If you really think a small talk opener fits your audience best, give it a whirl.

. It's also easy to automate, since "Last Page Seen" is one of HubSpot's default contact properties. Prove you care about your prospect's work -- and pay attention when they talk -- by mentioning one of their ongoing initiatives. With buyers’ attention spans at an all-time low, reps can’t afford to waste a single line.

Or maybe they wrangled a chatty colleague in your presentation? Sending good vibes your way! Grammarly will make sure it looks great before you hit send. ", "I hope the X project you mentioned [is off to a good start, is coming along well, is getting great results, was a success]. With these alternatives, the former is more likely. You can make this even more straightforward by simply stating your purpose.

Both the recipient and the email writer know it’s a nicety thrown in before the real point of the email.

Adapt it to other audiences by switching “churn rates” with one of these options: Transform the “hope you’re well” line by adding some customization and a ‘70s spin. This line works with virtually everyone. Include a sentence or two at the opening of your email to show you’re familiar with the recipient’s work, like this: There are a couple of caveats here. We're committed to your privacy. I smile as I write (seriously, it’s a little creepy) and write as though I’m having a face-to-face conversation with them. The email app Boomerang conducted a data study and found that emails between seventy-five and one hundred words in length had the best response rates.

Begin your email with something personal about the reader. "Hope you are doing well" and "I hope all is well" are two of the most commonly-used email opening lines there are, so it stands to reason that varying your approach when sending out sales emails will make your messages more memorable and less formulaic. This line works with virtually everyone. Here are 40 totally different email greetings you can use to start your message off right. When you’re reconnecting with someone you haven’t spoken to in a few months, try this question to kick things off again.

Writing, grammar, and communication tips for your inbox.

I’ve sent a few, too (we all do, from time to time!). Is it vacation time yet? ", "Great [blog post, LinkedIn comment, podcast episode, interview] -- I learned [fact]. Whether your prospect is a How I Met Your Mother fan or not, they’ll smile at this cheery opening line. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. You have been successfully subscribed to the Grammarly blog. Conversational email openers like this are begging for a response. To that end, here's our list of alternatives that will make your email less vague, more personal, and -- hopefully -- endear yourself to the recipient enough to get a reply.

I learned last week that Awesome Startup got VC funding. A little flattery never hurts. The line is so ubiquitous it's become meaningless.

If you’re an abuser of “I hope you’re doing well,” try these different — and better — ways to say it.

This lighthearted opener works well for prospects selling subscription products. In my opinion, the most important rule of email communication is this: don’t force it.

Prove you care about your prospect’s work -- and pay attention when they talk -- by mentioning one of their ongoing initiatives.

And, just when I think I’ve somehow earned a fan, I’ll get a letter from them asking me to accept a guest blog post or do some sort of cross-promotional content swap.

Although this sentiment is basically the same as "I hope you're well," it's unexpected -- which makes it feel more authentic. If you’re an abuser of “I hope you’re doing well,” try these different -- and better -- ways to say it.

Use this humorous one with a marketer or salesperson.

For example, rather than saying, "I'm reaching out to offer some advice on your homepage design," you might write, "Can I offer some advice on your homepage design?". In fact, most prospects will appreciate your brevity. Give your prospects something to look forward to responding to when you try these email openers. Both the recipient and the email writer know it's a nicety thrown in before the real point of the email. I read your article about [topic] in [outlet] last week. Saying you read an article is one thing, but mentioning the beach vacation photos you saw on Instagram will come off as creepy. If you want to start the relationship on a high note, find something notable your prospect recently produced, contributed to, or did and compliment them on it.

Not only should you use a less-formal tone when sending messages to personal connections, but you can ask more intimate questions as well.

I recommend using it in congratulatory emails. It might feel strange at first to launch into your message with no preamble, but trust me: You won’t seem rude. I love this opening line. A note of encouragement (no strings attached) can go a long way in building a strong working relationship and giving you an edge over competitors.

", "I hope your spirits are as high as your churn rates are low. I recommend using it in congratulatory emails (and including this gif!). Once again, this approach works best if your previous meeting is relevant to the topic at hand.

So call me maybe? Sick of those standard email opening lines like "I hope you're doing well!" I love this opening line.

(Unless maybe they write murder mysteries. Whether your prospect is a How I Met Your Mother fan or not, they'll smile at this cheery opening line. Stay up to date with the latest marketing, sales, and service tips and news. And like small talk, this phrase can get a little repetitive if you find yourself relying on it too often.
If you met at a conference and exchanged words about marketing strategies, and you’re emailing now to ask the recipient to review your new app for marketers, you’re connecting the right dots. Referring to the last page on your website that your prospect saw gives you credibility and opens up the door for a conversation about the content on that page. ".

There really isn't. I hope you have some cool plans for the weekend. 20 “Hope You’re Well” Alternatives 1) “I hope you’re having an A+ [week, month].” Although this sentiment is basically the same as “I hope you’re well,” it’s unexpected — which makes it feel more authentic. At least one-third of the sales emails I get start with a variation on: “I hope you’re doing well.”. In fact, most prospects will appreciate your brevity. See all integrations. This lighthearted opener works well for prospects selling subscription products.

Here are six alternatives to saying, “I hope this email finds you well.” Something Personal. Free and premium plans, Sales CRM software. Well, we have your back.

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